Reclaim Your Vitality

Through Integrative Mind, Body and Soul-Nautics.

Fitness Breathwork Meditation Wellness

Fitness Breathwork Meditation Wellness

Helping people radically transform their lives through deep inner and outer work; combining fitness with Ancient science-backed techniques of Mindfulness, Meditation, and Breathwork.

Wholesome Wellness and Breath promotes Intuitive Wellness, which is essentially a way of life that involves tuning into the body and the mind deeply enough that we become able to recognize disorder in the body and mind and address it before it perpetuates into illness.

Everything you eat becomes muscle and bone, every breath you take gives you life, and every move you make shapes your future.

Wholesome Wellness and Breath is in the business of encouraging healthful habits and lifestyle adjustments, guiding those who are ready and willing to achieve their goals.

Promoting Heart Coherence and Supporting a Planetary Shift

Building and maintaining heart coherence enhances our health, well-being, and overall quality of life; it also facilitates what is called “Collective Coherence” for the entire Planet and beyond.

We begin to do this through compassion, inner work, and refined intentions. Seeking to raise the vibratory rate and shift Humanity back into alignment.

WWAB acts as an emissary for Global causes for Peace and Unity to ensure a better future for All.

Helpful educational and community building resources:


  • WWAB offers 4D Functional Fitness℠ a complete mind-to-body connective control training, Pranayama Breathwork instruction, guided Meditation, and Holistic Wellness Education.

  • The overall goal of all Breathwork is to learn how to manage the body even down to its autonomic functions, and the mind down to its subconscious conditionings; enhancing absolutely all of the qualities of life.

    Each method of Breathwork has a somewhat different effect on the body.

    Kumbhaka trains Oxygen efficiency.

    Nadi Shodhana is great for Brain Hemisphere synchronization for creativity and cognitive clarity.

    Kapalbhati encourages lymphatic drainage and clears congestion, so on and so forth.

    All methods have a way of creating coherence in the heart and the mind and reducing harmful effects of stress and illness, encouraging better health in all aspects as you connect to your body deeply and overcome self-limiting beliefs.

  • Just bring a yoga mat and anything that will help you to relax.

    It is advised not to perform breathwork on a full stomach, or under flu or fever.

    It is also advised to drink plenty of water throughout the day before and after a session.

    One should also come open and willing to accept the potential for emotional release and/or mindful shifts in attitude and wellbeing.

  • Hypoxia means low Oxygen - intermittent hypoxia training is defined as controlled blood oxygen reduction in short durations.

    Continuous hypoxia is unproductive and has serious consequences to health.

    However, brief intermittent hypoxia is associated with longevity, improved circulation, red blood cell increases, improved cognitive function, cancer-protecting protein p53/stem cell proliferation, and more.

  • The benefits of Breathwork are endless. There are some contraindications to prolonged breath holds associated with some methods. See a comprehensive list of both benefits and contraindications here

  • Yes! The founder is working on a clear and easy integration on her website. In the meantime, you may fill out a contact form here to request virtual one-on-one 4D fitness training, Breathwork, guided Meditation, or ongoing Wellness Consultations.

Life is not full of uncertainty unless uncertainty is what you prefer. It does remain, however, in a state of probability until you make a decision.

The key to our Longevity lies within ourselves. Through trial, error, and perseverance we will rediscover the lost secrets of intuitive and restorative lifestyle.

“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

— Colin Wilson