Youth Workshops
For early Self Regulation and Mindfulness
Foundations of Breath Practice
(ages 1-6 years)
A Craft-Based Workshop
This is a workshop geared toward fostering creativity and self-regulation, where parents will help their children to create crafty tool(s) that will help make breathing exercises both easy and exciting to practice.
Learning how to properly breathe can help children to learn how to self-regulate. Further, encouraging creativity in a community space can improve attention and focus. Both assist in the alleviation of feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. This sets a solid foundation for healthy and mindful behavior.
This is a fun, high energy fitness-based youth workshop that begins with a series of mindful movements followed by 54321 Grounding Technique and affirmations for self-esteem, ending with fun belly breathing exercises for regulation.
Teaching children how to express their emotions intelligently and to breathe mindfully in a group setting helps increase the likelihood of them experiencing healthy interpersonal relationships, improving confidence and fostering a sense of both acceptance and community.
Fitness & Self-Expression
(6-12 years)
a Physical & Emotional Intelligence Workshop
If you would like to host a youth workshop, please fill out the contact form below.